
Clinical Studies to Test New Diabetic Treatment

Will test progression of kidney disease

Elephant ears, corn dogs and shake-ups, oh my!

It’s Illinois State Fair time again! What’s your favorite fair food? Consider a meal of a few of the most popular choices on the fair’s menu: a jumbo corn dog, funnel cake and a chocolate shake. At more than 1,100 calories and more than 30 grams of fat, it might be a better option to walk around fairgrounds rather than take the skyride. SIU registered dietitian Sara Lopinski has some tips for curbing come of the extra sugar, fat and calories that come with these favorites. Eat a healthy, high-fiber snack before you go to take the edge off your appetite Choose one high calorie food and balance

Health Care Providers Invited to Learn About Immune Cancer Therapy, HPV

Simmons Cancer Institute to Host 16th Annual Symposium

Health Care Providers Invited to Learn About Immune Cancer Therapy, HPV

Simmons Cancer Institute to Host 16th Annual Symposium

Health Care Providers Invited to Learn About Immune Cancer Therapy, HPV

Simmons Cancer Institute to Host 16th Annual Symposium

Health Care Providers Invited to Learn About Immune Cancer Therapy, HPV

Simmons Cancer Institute to Host 16th Annual Symposium

Health Care Providers Invited to Learn About Immune Cancer Therapy, HPV

Simmons Cancer Institute to Host 16th Annual Symposium

Health Care Providers Invited to Learn About Immune Cancer Therapy, HPV

Simmons Cancer Institute to Host 16th Annual Symposium

Health Care Providers Invited to Learn About Immune Cancer Therapy, HPV

Simmons Cancer Institute to Host 16th Annual Symposium

Home Sweet Home: IDoA Issues Grant to Help Keep Alzheimer's Patients in Homes Longer

People living with Alzheimer’s disease may be able to stay in their homes longer, thanks to a three-year, $701,994 grant to Southern Illinois University Medicine’s Center for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (CADRD). “Giving patients and caregivers the support and resources they need means patients are less likely to end up in costly assisted living or elder care facilities,” said Tom Ala, MD, interim director of the CADRD in Springfield. Elder care facilities cost nearly eight times more than home health or adult day services. The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) grant will help
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