General Results

Quick and Easy Guide to Creating a Safe Learning Environment

Learning environment (according to Wikipedia!) encompasses “an educational approach, cultural context, or physical setting in which teaching and learning occur... the context of educational philosophy or knowledge experienced by the student….how individuals interact, governing structures, and philosophy. … The culture and context of a place or organization includes such factors as a way of thinking, behaving, or working, also known as organizational culture. “ Learning Climate is more focused – this is the tone or atmosphere of the teaching setting and whether learners can comfortably identify
General Results

Histology services

Histology is the preparation of biological tissue specimens which allows for microscopic examination of tissue structure and cells. Histology is used to gather research data and is an integral part of many scientific investigation processes. Our drop off services include processing for both paraffin and frozen histology specimens. We can process, embed, section, and stain your specimens. Over 15 different special stains including H&E. TEM and SEM services including tissue prep, resin embedding and cutting. Training on lab equipment is available. We sell 100% ethanol by the liter. Labeling

Summit to spotlight gender health equity issues

The complexities of equitable gender health policies will be explored at the 2023 Illinois Rural Health Summit on October 10 at the Memorial Learning Center in Springfield.

Summit to spotlight gender health equity issues

The complexities of equitable gender health policies will be explored at the 2023 Illinois Rural Health Summit on October 10 at the Memorial Learning Center in Springfield.

Summit to spotlight gender health equity issues

The complexities of equitable gender health policies will be explored at the 2023 Illinois Rural Health Summit on October 10 at the Memorial Learning Center in Springfield.

Summit to spotlight gender health equity issues

The complexities of equitable gender health policies will be explored at the 2023 Illinois Rural Health Summit on October 10 at the Memorial Learning Center in Springfield.
General Results

Accelerate Leadership Program

The Accelerate Leadership Development Program is an excellent resource for individuals looking to develop and enhance their leadership skills. The program is specifically designed to empower and equip the next generation of leaders at SIU SOM, with practical application being a primary focus. Participants will have numerous opportunities to connect with alums and other leaders across the organization, providing an environment for growth and learning. The program's ethos is to help you discover your strengths, leadership style, and desired leadership character you want to develop. Our program

Community Care programs strengthening clients, making homes safer

“Many of our clients are young mothers who don’t have all the resources they need, so we’re able to help.” Nurse Lisa Homeier makes herself available 24/7, so “we can talk like we’re sisters.”

Community Care programs strengthening clients, making homes safer

“Many of our clients are young mothers who don’t have all the resources they need, so we’re able to help.” Nurse Lisa Homeier makes herself available 24/7, so “we can talk like we’re sisters.”

Medical student’s family invests time & money in Enos Park renovations

In 2005, Steve and Diane Combs moved to Springfield and bought an older home in Enos Park near the SIU School of Medicine. The Italianate structure was built in 1881, and it needed some work.
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