BBP and TB Training Session

Bloodborne Pathogen Content

  1. Location of policy/standard and explanation of contents
  2. Epidemiology, symptoms, and modes of transmission
  3. Explanation of SIUSOM’s Exposure Control Plan (OECP), located at the HIVE
  4. Recognizing tasks involving potential exposure to blood/body fluids
  5. Exposure Prevention:  personal protective equipment, engineering controls, and work practices
  6. Personal protective equipment:  types, selection of, proper use, location, removal, handling, decontamination, and disposal
  7. Hepatitis B Vaccine:  efficacy, safety, method/schedule of administration, and benefits
  8. Steps to take if an exposure occurs
  9. Exposure management:  testing, counseling, and follow-up
  10. Signs/labels/color coding

Tuberculosis Content

  1. Location of TB Policy and Occupational Exposure Control Plan on the HIVE
  2. Transmission, pathogenesis, and diagnosis of TB
  3. TB infection vs. active disease
  4. Signs and symptoms
  5. Possibility of reinfection in persons with a positive PPD
  6. Potential for occupational exposure to persons with infectious TB
  7. Prevalence of TB in the community and SIUSOM
  8. Isolation procedures at SIUSOM
  9. Situations with increased risk of exposures to TB
  10. Infection Control principles/practices that reduce the risk of transmission of TB
  11. Hierarchy of TB infection control measures
  12. Purpose of purified protein derivative(PPD) testing
  13. Significance of a positive PPD
  14. Importance of participating in skin testing
  15. Preventive therapy for the latent TB infection
  16. Indications, use, effectiveness, and potential adverse effects of preventive medications
  17. Responsibility of health care worker (HCW) to report signs/symptoms of active TB
  18. Drug therapy for active TB
  19. Responsibility of SIU to maintain confidentiality
  20. Higher risk posed by TB to persons with HIV infection or other immunocompromised conditions
  21. Potential development of cutaneous anergy of immune function as lymphocyte counts decline


January 2022