New Elective Course Offering Options

ALL SIU School of Medicine Faculty are invited to submit applications for new Elective courses for inclusion in the Elective Program Catalog.  Pathways for medical specialties have been developed by many departments to assist students and their advisors in designing appropriate schedules to prepare them for entry into a residency program in their chosen field. 

In addition to the Pathways model, the EPC and the Year Four Curriculum Committee approved the requirement for students to take at least 4 weeks of basic science coursework. Therefore, additional Basic Science Electives (BSE) are sought to afford each student an opportunity to choose from among a wide variety of BSE.

As always, new electives are welcomed from all departments.  As you design your electives, determine if they could meet the criteria of an Intensive Clinical Experience (ICE) or a Basic Science Elective (BSE) rotation and if so, complete the appropriate portion of the online form. For all other electives, the designation of "Traditional Elective" will be used. For more information in developing a new elective, see:  Elective Course Guidelines.

Type of Experience: (select one)

(NOT an Intensive Clinical or Basic Science)

An Intensive Clinical Elective course is one in which the focus is on an in-depth clinical experience with patients with undifferentiated problems, and includes an expectation that students function with increased responsibility for patient care.  It is also expected that the SIU faculty member responsible for the continuity of teaching and assessment will remain the same during the entire 4-week experience (e.g., Sub-Internship).  Intensive Clinical Electives must require an electronic logbook of patient encounters.

A basic science elective course is one in which the focus is on learning and applying advanced basic science principles and concepts.  It can be presented in the laboratory, or clinical environment, and can extend beyond the “classic eight” (Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Behavioral Sciences, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology) to include Ethics, Humanities, Epidemiology, Nutrition, and Biostatistics.  Whenever possible, the basic sciences should be learned and evaluated in the context of solving patient problems.  To that end, it is anticipated that clinical faculty will serve as consultants (and possibly co-faculty) in the development and/or delivery of the Basic Science elective courses.  When there is a clinical component to the elective, students will be required to maintain an electronic logbook of patient encounters.