Patient Stories

This brief online module aims to remind medical students of what constitutes patient care, what patient life looks like, and how they pursue this profession. In this brief module, students will watch three short documentaries. All are from our students' documentary production projects known as "Patient Stories" at SIUSOM where they explored patient care deeply from a holistic perspective. The videos explore the ramifications of disease on all aspects of the patient's life--family, social, work. At the end of this module, we hope that the students who watched the stories will leave feeling a little more human.

For more information, please contact Dr. Heeyoung Han.

1. Patient Story: Cover the Uninsured Week (CTUW), Medical Student

Remote video URL

2. Patient Story: Cover the Uninsured Week (CTUW), Breast Cancer

Remote video URL

3. Patient Stories: Asthma

Remote video URL