Student Handbook: Attendance Guidelines

Year One Curriculum

The faculty recognize the need for students to be absent from required activities from time to time throughout the academic year. (Please note that the term "required" means you must attend the YEAR ONE OVERVIEW DOCUMENT 8/14 18 activity unless you have made previous arrangements for an excused absence.) This includes unexpected absences, such as illness of the student or family member or death in the family, or these could be absences that are planned in advance, such as going to medically related conferences, weddings, family graduations, etc. Absences due to medical appointments could be Unexpected or Excused in Advance. As with other absences, follow the flow chart below. Except for illnesses and emergencies, excused absences must be requested in advance.

The following is the procedure you will follow for absence of required activities:

  1. If the absence is unexpected you must call the absence phone line and leave a message at 453-1537. If you feel you need to speak to someone and it is after hours you may also call the Year 1 Curriculum Director or the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.
  2. For expected non-emergency absences you must get permission as soon as you know the date(s) of the absence and no later than 1 curriculum week in advance. Students are encouraged not to make ANY travel arrangements before obtaining permission for the absence. You can approach either the Year 1 Director or the Unit Coordinator(s). The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs does not approve expected absences. Each request will be taken into consideration individually before granting the request. However, absences for weddings and graduations, unless there are extenuating circumstances, will be granted only if the student is a main participant of the event or it involves a close family member.
  3. Absences for major religious holidays are permitted under University guidelines. See (choose current catalog, click on Facilities & Services, and scroll to page 60).

Year Two Curriculum

Absence requests of a non-emergency nature should be directed to the directors of individual disciplines with scheduled learning activities on the day(s) in question. When an absence is necessary because of illness or other substantial problems, you should notify the year two curriculum coordinator in the Office of Education and Curriculum, who in turn will notify the appropriate discipline leaders.  During the introduction to clinical medicine blocks, these absences should be reported to the introduction to clinical medicine discipline director.

  • Absences for attending social events, athletic contests, and similar activities are not sanctioned.
  • You are responsible for making up all missed assignments and activities.
  • Refer to each individual discipline’s module for specific attendance policies.

Students will be excused from class and/or clinical activities to seek needed medical care upon notification and approval by the unit director or designee.


Students are expected to participate in all activities of the clerkship.

Regarding Illness/Emergency Absences

  • Students are required to contact their Clerkship Director or his/her designee directly and or abide by the arranged method of contact set by the clerkship rotation.

Regarding Medical Appointments

  • Students will be excused from clerkship activities to seek needed medical care after notification and approval of the Clerkship Director or his/her designee.

Regarding Non-Emergency Absences

  • Students are expected to participate in all activities of the clerkship.  Absence requests of a non-emergency nature should be directed to the appropriate Clerkship Director for consideration no later than three weeks prior to the start of the rotation.   For absences longer than one day, the Office of Student Affairs should also be notified.  Depending on the length of the absence, the Clerkship Director will determine if the student will be required to make up missed curricular time.

Revised: 05.08.14
Approved: 10.24.13


Attendance is required at all scheduled course activities unless specifically designated as optional.  Ample time has been built into the elective year to allow you to arrange interviews for residency programs without interfering with your elective course work. Elective course faculty may approve brief absences during their electives, but are not required to do so.  Any request must be made in advance, and with as much notice as possible. You may be required to makeup any missed work or time in order to receive credit for the elective.  Unexcused absences, excessive absences, and failure to complete required makeup work may result in an unsatisfactory grade or reduced credit for the course.

Regarding Illness/Emergency Absences

  • Students are required to contact their supervising faculty directly and or abide by the arranged method of contact set by the elective rotation.

Regarding Medical Appointments

  • Students will be excused from elective activities to seek needed medical care after notification and approval of the appropriate supervising elective faculty or his/her designee.

Regarding Non-Emergency Absences

  • Elective course faculty may approve brief absences during their elective, but are not required to do so. Any request must be made in advance, and with as much notice as possible. At the discretion of the faculty, students may be required to make up any missed work and/or be assigned additional work in order to receive credit for the elective.

Revised: 05.07.14
Approved: 10.07.13