Student Handbook: Student Files

A financial aid file for each medical student who has received financial assistance is stored in the Office of Student Affairs. Students have access to their own individual files, and access is also granted to Office of Student Affairs staff, University Student Work and Financial Assistance staff and external auditors as appropriate.

An academic performance file for each medical student is stored in the Office of Student Affairs and contains the year one completion record and general performance evaluation; professional and academic performance reports from year two; clerkship performance evaluations; elective performance evaluations; and copies of correspondence to the student from the Student Progress Committees or the Associate Dean for Student Affairs relative to student performance.  Students have access to their own individual files, and access is also granted to Office of Student Affairs staff.

A residency application file for each year four medical student is stored in the Office of Student Affairs and contains the official School of Medicine MSPE and any addenda thereof, the student’s list of residency programs where the Dean’s letter is to be sent, and copies of letters composed by departmental faculty in support of individual student applications.  You have access to your own individual file with the exception of those individual faculty letters for which a confidential waiver form has been submitted, and access is also granted to Office of Student Affairs staff.

A.  Waiver for Confidential Letters of Recommendation

If you wish to request a confidential letter of recommendation, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. A waiver form is required for each different letter sent.  In the case of the same letter being sent to multiple places, this action is to be noted on the carbon copy, and only one waiver is required.
  2. A copy of the executed waiver should be sent to the recipient of the letter.
  3. A copy of the letter and the original copy of the waiver form should be sent to the Office of Student Affairs where they are placed in a closed file.
  4. The faculty member who has been asked to write a confidential letter of recommendation is responsible for obtaining an executed waiver form from you.
  5. Supplies of the waiver forms are kept in the Office of Student Affairs.

B.  Release of Student Information

The School of Medicine has developed the following policy in order to maintain confidentiality of student educational records as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

  1. Listed below are the educational records directly related to students that are maintained by Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Also listed is the individual responsible for overseeing these records.
    1. Admissions File -- Director of Admissions, Springfield
    2. Financial Aid File -- Director of Financial Aid, Springfield
    3. Student Progress File --  Registrar, Springfield
    4. Residency Recommendation File -- Registrar, Springfield
    5. Student Health File -- Chair, Department of Family Practice
    6. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Academic Transcript --Registrar, Springfield
  2. You have the right to inspect and review your records during the regular business hours and should contact the responsible official at least 24 hours in advance to arrange for an appointment.  Copies of your records may be obtained by specifically requesting same and reimbursing the School of Medicine for the actual cost of copying.
  3. Requests for explanation and interpretation of individual student records will be reasonably responded to by the responsible official. If you believe that information contained in your record is inaccurate or misleading, or violates your privacy or other rights, you may request that the School of Medicine amend the records. To amend the record means that information for purposes of clarification may be added to the file.
  4. The request should be submitted in writing to the official responsible for the record indicated.
  5. The responsible official shall decide whether to amend your educational records in accordance with your request within a reasonable period of time.
  6. If the responsible official refuses to amend your educational record, you will be informed in writing and you may appeal the decision to the Associate Dean for Education and Curriculum, who shall conduct a hearing.
  7. You will be informed of the time, date and place of the hearing and will be permitted to introduce all relevant evidence in support of your contention. You may be assisted or represented by individuals of your choice.
  8. If, as a result of the hearing, it is the decision of the Associate Dean for Education and Curriculum to amend the records, you will be informed, in writing.
  9. If, as a result of the hearing, it is the decision of the Associate Dean for Education and Curriculum not to amend the records, you will be informed, in writing, of that decision and reasons therefor.  You will also be informed of your rights to place a statement in your records commenting upon the information contained therein and setting forth the reasons for disagreeing with the decision not to amend.
  10. All students are entitled to an additional appeal of administrative decisions hereunder as provided by the Board of Trustees in accordance with established University procedures.
  11. Southern Illinois University has designated the following information as directory information:
    1. Student name
    2. Date of birth
    3. Student local and home addresses and telephone numbers
    4. Classification (year one, year two, etc.)
    5. Academic Unit (i.e., Undergraduate, Graduate, Law or Medicine)
    6. Major
    7. Dates of attendance
    8. Degree and honors earned and dates
    9. The most previous educational agency or institution attended prior to enrollment at Southern Illinois University
    10. Participation in officially recognized activity or sport
    11. Weight, height, and pictures of members of athletic teams
    12. Current term hours carried
  12. You may inform the University in writing, through the Office of Admissions and Records or the School of Medicine’s Office for Student Affairs that you do not wish such information about you to be released without your consent.