Student Handbook: Student Transcripts

There is an “in progress” transcript showing your academic progress through the curriculum and an  official, permanent transcript available after you graduate or otherwise terminate enrollment. Both types of transcripts provide such information as your name, current address, date of birth, social security number, date of matriculation (with advanced standing or transfer noted, if applicable), and date of graduation (or exit, if applicable).

If you are on a leave of absence, transfer, withdraw, or are dismissed, such will be noted in the top portion of the transcript. Curriculum units completed up to departure are listed with performance  notations.   

  • The following guidelines are used in preparing transcripts:
    • When the goals for the entire Year One been satisfactorily completed, the official  transcript will show a grade notation for the year, with no notations for individual curriculum units.
    • When the goals for the entire Year Two have been satisfactorily completed, the official  transcript will show a grade notation for the year, with no notations for individual curriculum units.
    • For a student who transfers, withdraws, or is dismissed prior to completing the two full  years, only the units completed are listed and an overall “I” or “U” is noted.
    • Upon completion of each curriculum segment during Year One/Year Two a performance notation is entered, but only the final grade for the year is displayed on the transcript.. 
  • Transcript Notations
    • Transcript notations are as follows:
      • H = Honors
      • S = Satisfactory
      • S* = Satisfactory after remediation
      • I = Incomplete
      • U = Unsatisfactory

The “U” remains on the final transcript even after remediation when such remediation is substantial, that is, a repeat of the entire year one, a repeat of an entire year two course, or a repeat of more than half of an entire clerkship.

The “U” is replaced by “S*” after successful remediation of a portion of the year in Years One, Two or Three. The Student Progress Committee determines the use of the “S” instead of the “S*”  notation in cases where the remediation is indicated to be minor in the opinion of the course  faculty.

The number of weeks required to remediate is noted only for clerkship remediation.

Honors are awarded for the following required curriculum experiences: Doctoring/Medical Humanities in Year 3 and Year 4, Family and Community Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology in Year 4, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Surgery.