Trauma Based Behavioral Health Fellowship Program Goals

Trauma Based Behavioral Health Fellowship

  • Goal 1: Train advanced-standing graduate students in Social Work and Rehabilitation Counseling to recognize and demonstrate the key characteristics of trauma-informed clinical practice including awareness of trauma’s fundamental breach of social contract, safety considerations including physical, emotional and psychological boundaries for clients and client systems face to face and virtual; and demonstrate the ability to assess and address barriers to safety for clients across lifespan.
    • Objective 1 a): Increase didactic knowledge through multimedia training on different aspect of trauma, including historical and vicarious trauma, the impact of trauma on the human brain and manifestation of trauma across life span
    • Objective 1 b): Increase experiential knowledge by facilitating students to take on trauma-focused cases in their field practicum and internship settings and providing additional supervision to process experiential knowledge with theoretical one.
    • Objective 1 c): Increase knowledge on cutting edge trauma-based therapeutic practices, specifically Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Play Therapy, forensic interviews involving trauma cases, trauma-informed clinical documentation, and trauma-informed legal witness.
    • Objective 1 d): Increase the number of trauma-informed behavioral health student trainees and field supervisors trained in trauma-informed supervision of behavioral health workforce.
  • Goal 2: Emphasis and expand field-based experiential learning opportunity through university and community partnership and facilitating trickle-down of training components at the agency level by including field supervisors in the program framework, and thus bring about the integration of theoretical disciplinary curriculum with interdisciplinary field practicum framework
    • Objective 2 a): Increase the number of field agencies that are suited for trauma-focused clinical practice for students.
    • Objective 2 b): Identity, increase and compile data sets of the number of field practicum sites where multidisciplinary collaborative integrated trauma-informed behavioral health care experiential learning is possible.
  • Goal 3:  Understand and build knowledge of the powerful impact of multiple factors in shaping trauma, help-seeking behaviors and responses in individuals, families, cultural and social groups such as the military connected individuals to help student participants demonstrate cognitive self-awareness and effective regulation towards self-care.
    • Objective 3 a): Increase knowledge on vicarious-secondary trauma and post-traumatic growth across lifespan, especially, as they pertain to specific cultural and social groups like the military connected individuals
    • Objective 3 b): Increase mindfulness and skill-care technique among prospective behavioral health trauma workers.
  • Goal 4: Systematically utilize trauma knowledge to assess process and outcome related measures and carry out a comprehensive evaluation plan of the proposed training program
    • Objective 4 a): Systematically evaluate process and outcomes related to trauma-informed, evidence-informed training and supervision based dissemination of didactic and experiential knowledge.
    • Objective 4 b): Self-assess and evaluate trauma-focused/trauma-informed skills when working in the field, in the classroom, or on research teams, and utilize self-care practices

Trauma Based Behavioral Health Fellowship OSUDS

  • Goal1: To provide community-based, trauma-informed, didactic and experiential training to advanced standing social work and rehabilitation counseling graduate students in an integrated, inter-professional behavioral health and primary care setting, and prepare them to comprehensively serve patients with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and other Substance Use Disorders (SUD) using patient-centered medical home principles.
    • Objective 1a: To identify and recruit student trainees for targeted inter-professional training in integrated healthcare settings for OUD and SUD problems in rural southern Illinois.
    • Objective 1b: To increase the number of behavioral health workforce development student trainees who would work on OUD and other SUD problem areas.
    • Objective 1c: To increase didactic trainings on knowledge and explicit competencies on biological mechanism, Adverse Childhood Experiences, brain development, clinical documentation, Medically Assisted Treatment, trauma-informed practices and other issues pertinent to integrated behavioral health practice with OUD and other SUD patients.
    • Objective 1d: To increase experiential learning in partnering health care center settings through inter-professional supervision staffing through MAT and other relevant integrated healthcare practices with OUD and other SUD patients.
  • Goal 2: To develop communication protocols with health center partners and technical assistance providers to create sustainable partnerships to seamlessly share information and technical support.
    • Objective 2a: To create a structured communication protocol between the SIU BHWET program and the partnering health centers.
    • Objective 2b: To build partnerships with technical assistance providers with expertise in integrated inter-professional behavioral health geared towards OUD and other SUD programs.
  • Goal 3: To evaluate the utilization, process and outcome of the program in expanding the regional OUD and other SUD related integrated inter-professional training and services.
    • Objective 3a: To report utilization data on capacity and expansion of the program.
    • Objective 3b: To systematically evaluate process and outcome related data on the didactic and experiential training on the integrated and inter-professional components of the program.