Clinic First Curriculum

Why Clinic First? 

The goal of “Clinic First” is to streamline clinic operations, improve continuity of care, and be responsive to the needs of patients and residents in changing times. The concept of “clinic first” encourages a turnaround of the traditional residency concept of “hospital first” to one in which residents can have improved focus both on their rotations and while in their clinic. This can allow prioritizing of ambulatory and continuity care with fewer distractions. Prospective residents can learn more about the projected benefits and building blocks (engaged leadership, resident scheduling, continuity of care, team-based care, resident engagement) of our transforming residency program here

The Half-Month Schedule

Beginning July 1, 2022, our program will use the half-month schedule (2 weeks + 2 weeks schedule), in which each month is split into two half-months.  In their half-month ambulatory block, residents spend eight sessions per week in their family medicine continuity clinic, one session in the academic afternoon, and one session per week in a longitudinal curriculum learning behavioral medicine, community medicine, nursing home, etc.  In their half-month rotation, residents spend focused time on both inpatient and outpatient required rotations (i.e., obstetrics, adult inpatient service, geriatrics), as well as electives. 

Click here to see an example schedule. 

Video library

Remote video URL
Dr Williams shares how Clinic First provides better work life balance
Remote video URL
Dr. Williams shares her experience pre and post Clinic First
Remote video URL
Dr. Munch - How has clinic first impacted your experience as a resident
Remote video URL
Dr. Khan explains the positive changes in the residency program
Remote video URL
Dr. Khan discusses how Clinic First promotes continuity of care