MRC Policies

Table of Contents


    3D Printing

    The MRC has a small scale XYZ 3D printer that is available for patron use upon request.  The Library Clerk assists patrons wanting to use the printer and can provide basic training. Please note that 3D prints are subject to the following restrictions:

    • Models must be smaller than 6 inches (15 centimeters) in any dimension, as this is the maximum size of the print bed.
    • Due to staffing limitations, print jobs must be completed in under 5 hours—if a submitted print job indicates that it will take longer than 5 hours, it will be rejected.
    • Prints will be completed in one solid color. Colors may be requested during the submission process, but colors may be limited depending on current supplies.
    • The MRC will not do 3D modeling, but will handle conversion of an STL file to the appropriate file type for printing.
    • Prints will be started the day after the model is received and will be processed in the order they are sent in.

    If you would like to request a 3D print, please send an email to to get started.

    Patron Printer

    A printer is provided for MRC patrons.  It can be accessed only from the bank of computers located in the Scolari Lounge. Printing is limited to 20 pages per patron per day.  No color printing is available.

    If the printer runs out of paper, patrons may supply their own. 

    Poster Printer

    The poster printer located in the MRC is for library staff use only, per campus policy.  Patrons wishing to print posters may contact the Medical Library in Springfield or SIUC’s Printing and Duplicating.   

    After-Hours Access

    Medical students in the standard and Lincoln Scholars tracks have 24x7 access to the study spaces in the MRC.  Building fobs for these students permit access. 

    It is a violation of MRC policy for patrons with after-hours access to prop open library doors or to permit anyone to enter who does not have after-hours access.  Violation of this policy will result in the termination of 24-hour access. 

    The stacks are locked when the MRC closes.  Patrons in this area at closing will be asked to relocate to the library’s collaborative floor space. 

    Library materials not checked out at the circulation desk by closing time are limited to in-library use only.

    Other patrons do not have 24x7 access to the study spaces.  Inquiries should be directed to the MRC Director. 

    No patrons have after-hours access to the stacks or circulation desk/services. 


    Circulation Desk

    The area behind the circulation desk, including computers, is off limits to patrons at all times. Violation of this policy will result in the termination of 24-hour access.

    Circulation Privileges

    Circulation privileges are granted to the following patron groups:

    • Medical Students, Standard Track (all years)
    • Medical Students, Lincoln Scholars Program (all years)
    • School of Medicine Faculty and Staff
    • PA Students, Year 1 & 2
    • MEDPREP Students, Year 2 & 3 (with department approval)
    • Biomedical Science Students
    • Doctor of Medical Science Students
    • Physiology Graduate Students (with department approval)

    Inquiries should be directed to the MRC Director. 

    Library Conduct


    Candles and all other open flames are strictly forbidden in the MRC, per campus policy.


    Patrons are expected to show appropriate respect to the library facility.  If there are spills or messes, patrons should either clean them up or alert library staff.  Violation of this policy will result in the termination of 24-hour access.

    Undue wear and tear should not be inflicted on library furnishings or surfaces. 

    Food and Beverages

    Only light snacks and covered drink containers are permitted in the MRC.  Meals should not be eaten or prepared in the library.  Library staff are the arbiters of what is permitted. 

    Furnishings and Supplies

    No furnishings or supplies located in the MRC are to be removed from the library.  This includes the wellness materials, i.e., yoga mats and cushions. 

    Personal Belongings

    The MRC is not responsible for any belongings left unattended in the library.

    Space Heaters

    Space heaters are prohibited in the library, per campus policy. 


    Patrons should not adjust thermostats.

    Loanable Laptops

    Three laptops are available for loan to patrons.  A contract must be signed at the time of check-out.  Patrons are permitted one renewal (two weeks) and must bring the laptop physically to the MRC to renew.  After one renewal, patrons must wait a period of two weeks before checking out another laptop. 

    Noise and Study Zones

    In order to provide an optimal environment for study and for library staff to work, patrons are asked to respect the designated Noise & Study Zones within the facility:

    • Collaborative Zones - Group work and conversations, including on cell phones at normal speaking volume.
    • Quiet Study Zones — Brief conversations, including on cell phones, at a low speaking volume.Sil
    • Silent Zones — No talking, including cell phone conversations.

    Please honor requests for quiet and move as needed so that your activities and noise level are appropriate to the study zone.

    Private Study Rooms

    Personal belongings may not be left in study rooms for the purpose of “holding” the room.  Items left longer than 30 minutes will be removed by library staff to a secure location.  They may be retrieved during circulation hours.   

    Private study rooms may be reserved by emailing,, or by asking staff at the circulation desk. 


    Renewals of all items are for a period of two weeks.  Renewals may be requested via email, telephone, or in person at the circulation desk.