Healthy food

What’s good for the body is good for the mind

Adhering to a healthy diet can do more than help you lose some weight. Whether it’s lowering risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, helping the digestive system or simply keeping your eyes, skin and
Telehealth Wolf

National Stress Awareness Month: How can Telehealth Help?

April is National Stress Awareness Month, but we are all aware that stress isn’t limited to one month a year. As you look for ways to make your life less stressful, consider the use of telehealth
teen texting

Nurturing mental wellness in a social media world: 5 essential tips for parents

In 2023, the Surgeon General issued an advisory that sounded the alarm on social media and the mental well-being of our children. According to Dr. Vivek Murthy, children say social media makes them feel worse about themselves and their friends, and yet they can’t put it down.
Telehealth Tech

5 tips to keep your virtual health info safe and private

Patient Safety Awareness Week is celebrated each March to shine a spotlight on the importance of patient safety in health care. The use of telehealth has become increasingly popular, offering

Ask a Caregiver: How to avoid burning out

The Ask a Caregiver column features tips from experienced caregivers with lived experiences caring for those with dementia and memory loss. Roger Steinbach is a former caregiver and current volunteer

Redefining Toughness: Cultivating Mental Health Awareness in Agriculture

In the heart of rural communities, where the fields stretch far and wide under the open sky, there exists a resilience ingrained in the very fabric of farming life. People often equate this resilience

Telehealth raises awareness for cervical cancer

Cervical cancer occurs most often in people over age 30. It results in about 11,500 new cases in the United States each year, and about 4,000 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and
Woman on couch

How to deal with side effects from weight loss medications

Medications that help to lower blood sugar levels and promote weight loss have emerged as a promising new option for people who struggle with their weight. These drugs, known as GLP-1 agonists, have proven to be very effective. However, like many medications, they may come with gastrointestinal (GI) side effects that can impact a patient’s comfort and adherence.
smiling woman

The art of mindfulness: An expert’s 3-step guide to embracing the present

Could changing the way you think for a few moments a day lead to a healthier you? According to the American Psychological Association, practicing the art of mindfulness can help manage and reduce stress, anxiety and depression.