
Ask a Caregiver: Joining a support group makes a difference

Mel Kuntemeier is a caregiver and current volunteer at the Smith Alzheimer’s Center’s Beyond the Medical Center programs. If you would like to submit a question for the next column, please email

How financial pressures impact farmers' health

Financial pressures aren't unique to the farming industry. A 2021 report from the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center found that more than half of Americans say they felt anxious and stressed

Recognize and avoid mental overload this harvest season

As rewarding as the farming profession is, it comes with plenty of challenges for farmers and their families. The fall harvest season can be especially demanding on a farmer's physical and mental well

How to help someone with epilepsy stay safe at home

Around 3.4 million people in America have epilepsy, a chronic health condition that causes seizures. If you or someone you love experiences epileptic seizures, it's important to know some basic safety

A farmer’s health and safety

Farming is consistently ranked as one of the most dangerous jobs in the country. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 410 farmers lost their lives in 2019 due to a

Alzheimer's disease: Sharing the experience

One in 3 seniors die with dementia, more than breast and prostate cancers combined. More than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease. The Alzheimer’s Association projects it will

Respiratory hazards on the farm

Respiratory problems are some of the most common forms of occupational health hazards in the farming and agricultural industry. SIU Medicine urges local farmers and their families to be aware of

The climate’s effect on a farmer's mental health

Weather has always had a direct and important impact on the farming industry. But when the weather becomes wilder and changes in climate threaten to undermine a family farm's ability to stay in
Mental Health awarness

Be A Mental Health Awareness Month Champion

Each year, the month of May is set aside to focus on increasing mental health awareness. Throughout the month, efforts to champion combating and eliminating stigma.