General Results

Statistics and Informatics Division 217-545-9700 The Statistics and Informatics Division provides research and statistical services to discovery science and clinical faculty at the School of Medicine at both the Springfield and Carbondale campuses. Consultation provided covers a wide range of research and statistical issues, including conceptualization of research problem, experimental design, statistical analysis of data, interpretation and presentation of statistical findings, and write up of research results. The policy of the division is to assist faculty researchers in any way that facilitates their
General Results

Statistics and Informatics Division 217-545-9700 The Statistics and Informatics Division provides research and statistical services to discovery science and clinical faculty at the School of Medicine at both the Springfield and Carbondale campuses. Consultation provided covers a wide range of research and statistical issues, including conceptualization of research problem, experimental design, statistical analysis of data, interpretation and presentation of statistical findings, and write up of research results. The policy of the division is to assist faculty researchers in any way that facilitates their
General Results

CCR Research & Development Core

Research & Development | Center for Clinical Research Research & Development The Research and Development Core focuses on the development of faculty directed, investigator initiated clinical research by Assisting investigators with research design, development, and regulatory support including: Protocol development Grant development, preparation, and submission Completion of Investigational New Drugs (IND)/Investigational Device Exemption Applications (IDE) Safety monitoring Clinical study registration Helping provide a career development pathway for clinical research faculty Specific services
General Results

Operations Division

The Operations Division will: • Facilitate, foster, cutting-edge, and support the conduct of high-quality clinical research • Increase studies that provide patients with access to, research opportunities • Serve as a shared resource to investigators and research coordinators. Services include: • Research nurse/coordinator support for study start-up, follow-up, and closeout • Screen and identify eligible patients • Contract and budgeting • IRB preparation, submission, and continuing review • Educational opportunities
General Results

Administration and Financial Management Division

The Center for Clinical Research was established to increase clinical and translational research infrastructure, capacity and productivity. A centralized administrative infrastructure is an efficient and responsive means to provide clinical research support, and in turn: Provides shared services that are difficult to establish and maintain by individual investigators Creates a central point of contact for investigators Improves compliance and quality Produces economy of effort Saves overall costs The central concept of the CCR is to support faculty and their research teams using a flexible
General Results

Theodore R. LeBlang Distinguished Lectureship in Law and Medicine

On April 30, 2006, after 31 years of service, Professor Theodore LeBlang retired from the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. During that time, Professor LeBlang was the mainstay of the Law and Medicine teaching program for every class of students who have graduated from the school since its inception in 1975. In honor of his retirement, the SIU School of Medicine has established the Theodore R. LeBlang Distinguished Lectureship in Law and Medicine . This lectureship will carry forward Professor LeBlang's legacy of creative, timely, and accessible education highlighting important
General Results


SCOPE is the literary arts journal of SIU School of Medicine, a showcase for the artistic talents of our medical school community. The annual publication is organized by a group of creative and resourceful medical students. It has been a springtime tradition since 1994. Want to feature your artwork, prose or poetry in the next edition? Submit your creation online ! The submission period closes in the first week of the new year. You can download a pdf of the latest editions of SCOPE here. For issues 1994-2016, contact .
General Results

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a clinical research trial? Although there are many definitions of clinical trials, they are generally considered to be biomedical or health-related research studies in human beings that follow a pre-defined protocol. Interventional studies are those in which the research subjects are assigned by the investigator to a treatment or other intervention, and their outcomes are measured. Observational studies are those in which individuals are observed and their outcomes are measured by the investigators. Clinical trials that are designed to test new drugs, devices or treatments are mandated
General Results
General Results

Sleepy States

Anwar Shafi, MD, Discusses the Growing Problem of Sleepy Kids By Rebecca Budde | Photos by Jason Johnson Published in Aspects, 40-1, Winter 2017 Experts caution: Sleep is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for good health. It’s no secret that the sleep debt is growing like the national debt in American adults. Studies show that our children are walking in our sleepy footsteps, and it’s causing innumerable negative consequences. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, young children should get 11-12 hours of shuteye while school-aged children should sleep at least 10 hours
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