
July 2017 Medical Students Working with Local Physicians

Gain valuable family practice experience through job shadowing

July 2017 Medical Students Working with Local Physicians

Gain valuable family practice experience through job shadowing

July 2017 Medical Students Working with Local Physicians

Gain valuable family practice experience through job shadowing

Newsradio WJPF Interview with Dr. Sameer Vohra - July 5, 2017

Newsradio WJPF Interview with Dr. Sameer Vohra on July 5th, 2017
General Results

Welcome from Women in Medicine

Greetings! A warm welcome from our Department of Medicine’s Women in Medicine Group. What started as an informal gathering in January of 2015, gradually morphed into a robust, vital organization that contributes meaningfully to the SIU School of Medicine and to the community. Our mission is to provide a supportive forum to promote meaningful discussion and positive change in the realms of work-life balance, gender equity, career advancement and community service. Activities include: Department-wide seminars to discuss key topics surrounding challenges that face women in medicine. Community
General Results

AWIMS Welcome

We extend warm greetings from the Alliance for Women in Medicine and Science, aka AWIMS. What started as an informal gathering within the Department of Medicine in January 2015 gradually morphed into a robust, vital organization called Women in Medicine (WIM) that contributed meaningfully to SIU Medicine and to the community. The executive committee, with the help of Dr. Wendi El-Amin, soon recognized that our group would have a greater impact if we moved schoolwide and broadened our focus to women in medicine and science. We took on this new mantle in 2018. We could not have made this

ABEM Director Dr O. John Ma Visits SIUEM

SIUEM was happy to host Dr. O. John Ma, American Board of Emergnecy Medicine Director, at the Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation. Dr. Ma shared the mission of ABEM with SIU Emergnecy Medicine residents and students. HIghlights from the discussion included the significance of the in-training examination exam, the process of initial board certification and the value of maintenance of board certification.

ABEM Director Dr O. John Ma Visits SIUEM

SIUEM was happy to host Dr. O. John Ma, American Board of Emergnecy Medicine Director, at the Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation. Dr. Ma shared the mission of ABEM with SIU Emergnecy Medicine residents and students. HIghlights from the discussion included the significance of the in-training examination exam, the process of initial board certification and the value of maintenance of board certification.

The Southern Illinoisan - New think tank at SIU School of Medicine looks for root causes of public health issues that plague southern Ilinois - Sameer Vohra, MD, JD, MA

Check out our new article! June 26, 2017 The Southern Illinoisan - New think tank at SIU School of Medicine looks for root causes of public health issues that plague southern Ilinois - Sameer Vohra, MD, JD, MA
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