General Results

GRC Reviewer Information

Reviewer Login (use your SIU account login) Guidelines for Near Miss and GRC Funding
General Results

ADR Internal Grant Closing Report

Fillable Word document.
General Results

Grant Review Committee Operating Paper

Purpose The Grant Review Committee (GRC) serves solely for the purpose of peer reviewing research proposals for scientific merit. It acts as a reviewing agency for internal funding opportunities. The proposals are ranked based soley on scientific merit, which is then shared with the Allocation Committee for consideration of funding through SIU School of Medicine. Membership The GRC is composed of at least twenty-two (22) voting members and two (2) non-voting ex-officio members (Associate Dean for Research (ADR) and Director of the Center for Clinical Research). The GRC Chair may also request
General Results

Unestablished Investigator Guidelines

Definition An unestablished investigator is a faculty member who has not been a principal investigator on an external grant and/or who has received less than three years of GRC support, whichever comes first, and/or who has had less than five years of research experience after completion of formal training. (A) Unestablished investigators in their first academic appointment may apply for a total of three years of GRC support. Awards to unestablished investigators will be based on a single GRC application that contains the goals of the entire project period. A priority score will be assigned to
General Results

Common Mistakes in Submitting GRC Applications

Preparing only the GRC form pages and neglecting to prepare the research proposal portion of the application; i.e., the protocol addressing specific aims, background and significance, preliminary studies, research design and methods, and literature review. Lack of a clear hypothesis. Discrepancies between specific aims and methodology; research design inadequate to accomplish specific aims. Relationship of study design to data analysis not clearly expressed. Inadequate justification of relevance of data to be collected in study. Lack of adequate explanation of terminology and proposed
General Results

Instructions for Research Proposal

Applications that exceed the page limitations or do not comply with the required Fall Funding Application format will be returned without review. 1. Introduction (1 page): for applications that are resubmissions: Introduction should state how previous critiques were addressed in the application 2. Specific Aims (1 page): State concisely and realistically what the research described in the application is intended to accomplish and/or what hypothesis is to be tested. Do not exceed one (1) page. 3. Research Plan (6 page maximum to include items A, B, & C below): A. Significance/Preliminary Data
General Results


Director of the Academy; Boyung Suh, PhD 913 N Rutledge, Springfield, IL 62702 Phone: (217) 545-2103 Email: Anna Cianciolo Heeyoung Han Debra L. Klamen Shelley Tiischkau Office Administrator; Crystal Bright 801 N Rutledge, Springfield, IL 62702 Email: General inquiries:
General Results

Academy for Scholarship in Education Awards

FACULTY AWARDS J. Kevin Dorsey Outstanding Educator of the Year Award MEDICAL STUDENT AWARDS Outstanding Student Medical Educators
General Results

Academy for Scholarship in Education Resources

Teaching and Learning Resource Repository A Private Universe NMBE Faculty Resource Problem Based Learning PITT Video Gallery
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