
Frights and Delights: A Psychiatrist's Guide to a Safe Halloween

While it can be fun for adults to engage in adrenaline rushing activities such as spooky costumes, eerie movies and haunted houses, it’s important for parents to think about what is both appropriate and emotionally safe for children. It’s just as important to protect your child’s emotional health as it is to protect their physical health this Halloween. According to Dr. Seleena Shrestha , child psychiatrist from SIU School of Medicine, exposing children to activities, such as scary movies and haunted houses, can lead to some haunting consequences if not done cautiously and at the proper age

New articles in PubMed by SIU School of Medicine authors October 31, 2019

SIU School of Medicine authors published 29 articles in the past month that were added to PubMed. Display the 29 citations in PubMed

APDIM Fall Meeting

APDIM Fall Meeting. October 27, 2018. Orlando, Florida Patients as a Source of Harm – A Single Institution Resident / Employee Survey and Policy to Create a Safer Workplace Speakers: Andrew J. Varney, MD, Vidhya Prakash, MD, FACP, and Ula Tarabichi, MD Follow the link to view the presentation. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Workshop 504 Presentation tab" to view the presentation. The duty to treat is a professional obligation to provide nondiscriminatory care and is deeply ingrained in the history and

New Publication: Hepatic Involvement in Systemic Sarcoidosis

Congratulations to the Department of Internal Medicine! The American Journal of Case Reports recently published "Hepatic Involvement in Systemic Sarcoidosis," authored by SIU Medicine faculty and residents Ibrahim AM, Bhandari B, Soriano PK, Quader Z, Gao JZ, Shuster D, and Mamillapalli CK. Am J Case Rep. 2018 Oct 11;19:1212-1215. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.910600. PMID: 30305603 Similar articles

New Publication: Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: A Rare Cause of Ascites

Congratulations to the Department of Internal Medicine! The Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports recently published "Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: A Rase Cause of Ascites," authored by SIU Medicine faculty and residents Ibrahim AM, Al-Akchar M, Obaidi Z, and Al-Johany H. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2018 Oct 16;6:2324709618807506. doi: 10.1177/2324709618807506. eCollection 2018 Jan-Dec. PMID: 30349836 Free PMC Article

Center for Rural Health and Social Service Development

975 South Normal Ave Carbondale, IL 62901

Center for Rural Health and Social Service Development

975 South Normal Ave Carbondale, IL 62901
General Results

Scholarly Tracks

SIUEM has created scholarly tracks to give residents with an interest in a particular field of Emergency Medicine guidance to increase their knowledge and skills while preparing them for fellowship training if desired. Each track will begin towards the end of PGY-1 or the beginning of the PGY-2 year. It is at this time a resident will have had time to foster an interest in a particular subspecialty track. It will be during this time in their training they will begin meeting with a faculty sponsor to guide them through their subspecialty track. During the PGY-2 year a resident will work to
General Results

Instructions For The Written Proposal

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE WRITTEN PROPOSAL The written document will be written in the format of a grant proposal. The proposal should not exceed 17 single-spaced pages. Recommended format: o Cover page (1 page, not counted in page limit) o Specific Aims Page (1 page) o Literature review with Significance and Innovation (up to 10 pages) o Research plan (6 pages) o References (no limit, not counted in the page limits) Use Times New Roman or Arial font, no smaller than 11 point Margins must be at least 0.5 in. on all sides. For guidance, follow the research plan instructions for a pre-doctoral Ruth L

Rural Health Summit Releases Report on Rural Health in Illinois

Rural Health Summit Releases Report on Rural Health in Illinois Identifies great challenges and a path forward Springfield, Ill. - Rural Illinois residents face significant challenges and health disparities compared to residents in the state’s metropolitan areas, according to a new report released by the organizers of the 2018 Illinois Rural Health Summit. The report, titled “ THE STATE OF RURAL HEALTH IN ILLINOIS: Great Challenges and a Path Forward ” compiles information shared by rural health stakeholders across government, healthcare, public health, philanthropy and academia. The report
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