Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology research strives to uncover fundamental biochemical and molecular mechanisms of cellular processes and disease. The Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Concentration offers MS and PhD degrees on the Carbondale campus. Students with graduate degrees in biochemistry and molecular biology are in demand in many occupational areas. Many of our graduates are employed by pharmaceutical or biotechnology firms. Several PhD graduates continue to advanced academic training as postdoctoral fellows or can expect to be employed by pharmaceutical, chemical biochemical or biotechnology firms. Our PhD graduates are also successful faculty members at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Judy Davie

Judith Davie, PhD
Department of Biomedical Science, Division of Biochemistry
Carbondale, IL

Research mentorsResearch area
Sukesh Bhaumik, PhDEpigenetic and molecular mechanisms of gene regulation.
Judith Davie, PhDEpigenetic and transcription factors that govern skeletal muscle and the pediatric cancer rhabdomyosarcoma.
Farid Kadyrov, PhDMechanisms of DNA mismatch repair in cancer suppression and triplet repeat expansion diseases.
Matthew Young, PhDUtilizing advanced techniques to understand the biological impact of cancer-specific mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations and how environmental toxicants disrupt mitochondrial function.
Rebecca Burgess, PhDUtilizing genetic mouse models to study chromatin and stem cell self-renewal factors regulating hematopoietic stem cell function and proteostasis.