Flexible Curriculum

Science has increasingly become interdisciplinary and thus training that promotes knowledge across fields will prepare students for a successful future. All MBBS students in the thesis MS and PhD degree pathways will begin their graduate training by taking the following core courses.

  • MBBS 500: Introduction to Scientific Communication
  • MBBS 501: Advanced Scientific Communication
  • MBBS 504: Fundamentals of Graduate Research 
  • MBBS 540: Responsible Conduct of Research

While some Concentrations have required courses that are specific to their discipline (see below), the remaining credit hours can be selected from electives taught by any Concentration. This flexible curriculum will allow students to select courses that are most relevant to their education and research.

Students seeking a non-thesis MS degree to enhance their preparation for health professional careers can choose the non-thesis MS degree in Biomedical Sciences or Pharmacology and Neuroscience.

Required courses by Concentration

  • Anatomy & Neurobiology - None
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - MBBS 554A and 544B (Biochemistry I & II)
  • Cell Biology, Immunology and Cancer Biology - MBBS 530 (Advanced Cell Biology) and MBBS 560 (Molecular Oncology). 
  • Medicinal Chemistry - PHPS 420 (Principles of Drug Action), PHPS 500 (Targets), PHPS 501 (Principles of Drug Discovery), CHEM 541 (Advanced Organic Chemistry), and CHEM 551 (Advanced Biochemistry) 
  • Microbiology – None
  • Molecular and Integrative Physiology - MBBS 511A and 511B (Advanced Mammalian Physiology)
  • Pharmacology and Neuroscience - MBBS 550A and 550B (Principles of Pharmacology I & II), and MBBS 577 (Neuroscience)