General Results

Student Life

Housing Information Health Resources Life In Springfield, Illinois Student Activities Student Rep - Pharmacology & Neuroscience Graduate Program The Student Representative for the Pharmacology and Neuroscience graduate program acts the liaison between the graduate students and faculty. The student rep attends the Graduate Program Committee meetings, assists with new student recruitment, and is responsible for leading the Brain Awareness Day organization. Our current student rep is Rajaram Kshetri. Read about Raj's remarkable trek to the base camp at Mount Everest.
General Results

Word Budget Justification

A budget justification is needed for institutional approval as well as many funding agencies. Please describe in detail the costs associated with your grant budget.
General Results

Ask a question

This service is designed for questions that only require a short answer. To request an article: use the Article/book chapter request form To request a literature search: use the Literature Search request form Whenever possible we will respond within 24 hours (Monday-Friday). Questions sent to us on a University holiday or over a weekend will not reach a librarian until the next regular business day.
General Results

Innovation Incubators for Building Wellness and Resilience in Rural and Urban Schools

Short Background: Childhood trauma can have a direct, immediate, and potentially hazardous impact on the ability of a child to develop and learn. Defined as a response to a negative event or series of events which surpass a child’s ordinary coping skills, trauma comes in many forms including maltreatment, witnessing violence, or loss of a loved one. These events, collectively referred to as adverse childhood experiences, can interfere with brain development, learning, and behavior – each potentially impacting academic success and health outcomes. Schools have an essential role to play in
General Results

Little Leaps Child Development Program

Short Background: Between conception and age three, a child’s brain undergoes an impressive amount of change. The brain doubles in size in its first year, and by three, it reaches 80% of its adult volume. Despite increasing knowledge of this critical time in development, no formal institution exists that routinely educates all children between 0-3. Therefore, the molding of a developing brain is dependent on the engagement and interactions of a parent or parents. Most parents, however, especially those in the lowest socioeconomic or educational quartiles, are not exposed to how simple
General Results

Understanding the Culture of Rural Parenting and Brain Development

Short Background : Between conception and age three, a child’s brain undergoes an impressive amount of change. The brain doubles in size in its first year, and by three, it reaches 80% of its adult volume. Despite increasing knowledge of this critical time in development, no formal institution exists that routinely educates all children between 0-3. Therefore, the molding of a developing brain is dependent on the engagement and interactions of a parent or parents. Most parents, however, especially those in the lowest socioeconomic or educational quartiles are not exposed to how simple
General Results
General Results

Application Submission Checklist

The Application Submission Checklist is a document that PI and grant staff can use to monitor the progress of the submission process.
General Results

Subrecipient Commitment Form

To be completed if partnering with any external institution for subaward, consortium, or subcontract purposes.
General Results

Waiver Request for Voluntary Cost Sharing

Waiver Request for Voluntary Cost Sharing Use the Waiver Request for Voluntary Cost Sharing Form to detail voluntary cost sharing on a grant proposal for external funding.
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