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Faculty Publications

Medical Humanities Publications Publications 2016 Publications Spielman, B, "What is the Impact of Bioethics on Clinical Trials? " Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology (2016, forthcoming) Christine Gorka, Jana Craig, and Bethany Spielman, "Growing an Ethics Consultation Service: Lessons Learned from Two Decades of Practice," accepted AJOB Empirical Ethics (forthcoming, 2016) Spielman, B, "Gender and Race in the Timing of Requests for Ethics Consultations: a Single Center Study" (submitted, Journal of Clinical Ethics ) Todd, C, "He Says You Are Finished." On Being A Doctor, Annals of Internal
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Research Seed Grant Forms

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Research Seed Grant Information

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Grant Review Committee

Membership Research Seed Grants (RSG) Common Mistakes in Preparing an Application Unestablished Investigator Guidelines GRC Operating Paper Internal Grant Closing Report Form Reviewer Information For more information contact: Erin Hascup, Ph.D. (217)545-6988

Microbes May Offer Clues to Improve Endometriosis Care

April 12, 2017 – Cells that typically grow in the lining of the uterus can emerge in other places in the abdominal cavity where they don’t belong, resulting in severe pain and infertility. The condition, called endometriosis, affects nearly 200 ,000 women annually in the U.S. A new study by Southern Illinois University Medicine scientist Andrea Braundmeier-Fleming, PhD, could lead to an earlier diagnosis and new treatments for the disease. Dr. Braundmeier-Fleming has been awarded a $12,500 grant from the Endometriosis Foundation of America to help develop an analysis method that uses the

Microbes May Offer Clues to Improve Endometriosis Care

April 12, 2017 – Cells that typically grow in the lining of the uterus can emerge in other places in the abdominal cavity where they don’t belong, resulting in severe pain and infertility. The condition, called endometriosis, affects nearly 200 ,000 women annually in the U.S. A new study by Southern Illinois University Medicine scientist Andrea Braundmeier-Fleming, PhD, could lead to an earlier diagnosis and new treatments for the disease. Dr. Braundmeier-Fleming has been awarded a $12,500 grant from the Endometriosis Foundation of America to help develop an analysis method that uses the

Microbes May Offer Clues to Improve Endometriosis Care

April 12, 2017 – Cells that typically grow in the lining of the uterus can emerge in other places in the abdominal cavity where they don’t belong, resulting in severe pain and infertility. The condition, called endometriosis, affects nearly 200 ,000 women annually in the U.S. A new study by Southern Illinois University Medicine scientist Andrea Braundmeier-Fleming, PhD, could lead to an earlier diagnosis and new treatments for the disease. Dr. Braundmeier-Fleming has been awarded a $12,500 grant from the Endometriosis Foundation of America to help develop an analysis method that uses the
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