General Results

Laboratory Animal Medicine Grant Summary Description

Summary of Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine Facilities and Services Physical resources: The SIUSOM AAALAC International accredited animal facility is located on the first floor of 3 interconnected buildings. Animal housing areas contain approximately 9,800 square feet. Support areas for the animal facility include 8,092 square feet, for a total of 17,892 square feet. The staff includes the Director/clinical veterinarian, Diplomate, ACLAM; a licensed Certified Veterinary Technician; a facility coordinator, RLAT, and 4 full-time animal care technicians. Medical School Building (801 N
General Results

Flow Lab Grant Summary Description

The Flow Cytometry Facility occupies approximately 300 square feet and is a fully equipped high speed cell sorting and cell analyzing research laboratory. The Becton-Dickinson FACSAriaII (special order) high-speed cell sorter, features five air cooled lasers (UV 355nm , violet 405nm, blue 488nm, yellow-green 561nm, and red 640nm), multicolor analysis up to 10 parameters and four way sorting. Additionally, the instrument is equipped with an Automated Cell Disposition Unit (ACDU) module which allows for single- or multiple- cell sorting into several different plate configurations and housed in a
General Results
General Results

Research Imaging Facility Pricing

Service Internal Rate External Rate Technical Assistance $47.00/hour $68.80/hour Electron Microscopy Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) $41.00/hour $57.40/hour Ultramicrotome $13.00/hour $18.20/hour Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) $41.00/hour $57.40/hour TEM Training/Teaching (30 hours/half-days) $550.00 per 2 weeks $770.00 per 2 weeks Critical Point Dryer $25.00/run $35.00/run Sputter Coater $25.00/run $35.00/run Vacuum Evaporator $20.50/run $28.70/run Tissue Processing Vial + all reagents $25.00/vial $35.00/vial Reagent Alone Osmium Tetroxide 1.5% in buffer $4.30/vial $6.00/vial
General Results

Flow Cytometry Pricing

Flow Cytometry Pricing Service Internal Rate External Rate FACS Aria II/FACS Calibur (Assisted) $68.00/hour $93.85/hour Sort Set Up $20.00 $27.00 Accuri C6 (Unassisted) $45.00/hour $62.00/hour Technical Support $47.00/hour $64.00/hour Bio Rad Bioplex (Luminex) $65.00/Plate $90.00/plate Cancellation Fee (<12 hours prior to scheduled time) $68.00 $68.00 Dry Ice $5.00/lb $5.50/lb
General Results

How Do I?

Borrowing and Renewing Material Renew checked out items? For Items checked out from SIU Medical Library: Call the Circulation Desk at 217-545-2122 or stop by in person and ask to have the items renewed. For Items checked out from another library through I-Share: See the instructions for Borrowing Materials Through the I-Share VuFind Catalog Items from another library obtained through Interlibrary Loan (not through I-Share): Contact the Interlibrary Loan Department at 217-545-2124 or email . Request books, media and other materials from another library? Use I-Share
General Results

Memory Loss

Current Research Studies If you are a patient and would like to enroll in a clinical trial, click here . A Phase II, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Efficacy, and Safety Study of MTAU9937A in Patients With Prodromal to Mild Alzheimer's Disease PI: Jennifer Arnold, MD Study Contact: Stephanie Kohlrus, BA CCRP 217.545.3013 Not enrolling Open-Label Extension of Studies ATH-1017-AD-0201 and ATH-1017-AD-0202 in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease PI: Jennifer Arnold, MD Study Contact: Sara Boarman 217.545.6829 Not enrolling Caregiver
General Results

Our Collections

Archives The SIU School of Medicine Archives contains print and non-print materials of historic value emanating from the School. Popular items in this non-circulating collection include curriculum documents and the School's yearbooks. SIU faculty and staff are especially urged to submit materials for addition to the archives. See our Special Collections and Archives page for more information. Books The book collection is shelved by call number in the book stacks area. Oversized, reference, and reserve materials are shelved in separate areas. These locations are indicated in the Medical Library
General Results

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees Southern Illinois University School of Medicine's animal program, facilities and procedures. The committee's scope includes all research, research training, experimentation and biological testing involving live, vertebrate animals conducted at SIU School of Medicine or at another institution as a consequence of subcontracting by this institution. IACUC policies are located in iRIS. Navigate to the IACUC protocol and click on the "Help" icon.
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