General Results

Neuroscience links

Organizations Society for Neuroscience ("a public information initiative of the Society for Neuroscience") The Journal of Neuroscience Brain Awareness Week IBRO (International Brain Research Organization) International Society for Neuroethology Dana Foundation NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Cajal Institute Columbia University Center for Neurobiology and Behavior American Association of Anatomists / AAA resource links American Association of Clinical Anatomists Reference Washington University Neuromuscular Disease Center BrainMaps
General Results

Gross Anatomy links

Websites related to Gross Anatomy American Association of Anatomists / AAA resource links American Association of Clinical Anatomists Net Anatomy Anatomy Atlases (a digital library of anatomy information, curated by Ronald A. Bergman) Atlas of Human Anatomy Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section Atlas of Microscopic Anatomy - A Functional Approach Anatomy of First Aid - A Case Study Approach Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation Lessons From a Bone Box MedPix TM Medical Image Database (radiographs and cases) Virtual Autopsy (with clinical cases ) (from the University of
General Results


American Association of Anatomists Gross Anatomy Neuroscience Histology Embryology Other links related to biology and medicine
General Results
General Results

About Population Science and Policy

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine was founded in 1970 with four areas of excellence: medical education, patient care, research and community service. Caring for the communities of central and southern Illinois is SIU Medicine’s mission, and the School of Medicine aims to improve the health of residents across its 66 county service region. In 2016, SIU Medicine launched the Office of Population Science and Policy (PSP) to advance its social mission and find innovative solutions to improve health beyond the confines of the hospital and clinical walls. Led by a group of pioneering
General Results


Recent Publications Jenkins WD , Lipka AE, Fogleman AJ , Delfino KR, Malhi RS, Hendricks B. Variance in disease risk: rural populations and genetic diversity. Genome. 2016 Jul;59(7):519-25. doi: 10.1139/gen-2016-0077. Epub 2016 May 24. PMID: 27334395 Clemons J, Zahnd WE , Nutt M, Sadowski D, Dynda D, Alanee S. Impact of Urologist Density and County Rurality on the Practice of Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection and Cancer-Specific Death in Patients with Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol. 2016 Jul 13. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27409991 Jenkins WD , Botchway A
General Results
General Results

Statistics & Research Consulting

The division of Statistics and Research Consulting provides research and statistical consulting services to discovery science and clinical faculty at the School of Medicine at both the Springfield and Carbondale campuses. Consultation provided covers a wide range of research and statistical issues, including conceptualization of research problem, experimental design, statistical analysis of data, interpretation and presentation of statistical findings, and write up of research results. The policy of the division is to assist faculty researchers in any way that facilitates their research
General Results

Research imaging facility

The Research Imaging Facility (RIF) provides approximately 2900 square feet of laboratory space dedicated to imaging and quantitative analyses. Staff provide education and training for equipment, technical support, protocol development, and contractual research projects. Trained researchers have 24-hour access to the equipment, 7 days a week. Contact core laboratory staff for training. Instrumentation Confocal microscopy: Zeiss LSM800 scanning confocal microscope (laser lines 405, 488, 561, and 640nm) is an inverted platform equipped with the Airyscan array detector with increases detection
General Results

Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine

The Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM) exists to provide high quality, cost-effective husbandry, administrative and technical support for animal care and use, to facilitate animal well-being for research and teaching at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. The animal facility contains approximately 20,000 gross square feet of modern, well equippped space which includes a surgery suite, cagewash facility, diagnostic laboratory, necropsy room, quarantine area and infectious disease containment suite. The centralized laboratory animal care program is accredited by the
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