General Results

Message from the Trauma Based Behavioral Health Fellowship Director

Roger Fallot said it best, “A trauma-informed service system or organization is one that thoroughly incorporates, in all aspects of service delivery and in all staff, an understanding of the prevalence and impact of trauma and the complex paths to healing and recovery. Trauma-informed services are designed specifically to put “safety first” and to avoid re-traumatizing those who come seeking assistance.” I am honored and extremely humbled to be able to welcome you to the Trauma Based Behavioral Health Fellowship. This training program was designed to train master’s level students who have a
General Results
General Results

Mind Matters

From caregivers to physicians, researchers to patients and everyone in between, there is an entire community dedicated to helping those with Alzheimer's and related disorders, committed to find ways to slow and stop the progression of the disease. Through Mind Matters, the quarterly newsletter of the Dale and Deborah Smith Center for Alzheimer's Research and Treatment at SIU Medicine, we want to highlight the impactful stories and transformative work being done. We hope you find this newsletter enjoyable and informative. Thank you for reading and for your support!
General Results
General Results

5 ways farmers can stay positive in 2022

Farmers know better than anyone the true meaning of the phrase, "you reap what you sow." So, as 2022 gets underway, SIU Medicine encourages Illinois farming families to begin the new year with a positive mindset and outlook. Find some inspiration with these five ideas: 1. Focus on what you can control Weather, the economy, politics, trade policies, rising and falling commodity prices, equipment malfunction, sick livestock, that great piece of equipment you didn't buy at the auction—there are plenty of factors in farming that are largely out of your control, which means worrying about them
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