
5 ways farmers can stay positive in 2022

Farmers know better than anyone the true meaning of the phrase, "you reap what you sow." So, as 2022 gets underway, SIU Medicine encourages Illinois farming families to begin the new year with a positive mindset and outlook. Find some inspiration with these five ideas: 1. Focus on what you can control Weather, the economy, politics, trade policies, rising and falling commodity prices, equipment malfunction, sick livestock, that great piece of equipment you didn't buy at the auction—there are plenty of factors in farming that are largely out of your control, which means worrying about them

Lecture & forum to focus on how to become an equity ally

SPRINGFIELD, IL – At work or in public, we sometimes witness microaggressions, disrespect, and racism directed at others. When something happens that goes against our values, there is often palpable discomfort, fear and uncertainty about what to do. Sunny Nakae, MSW, PhD, will offer skills and strategies for addressing these encounters at the 2022 Dr. Alonzo Kenniebrew Lecture, beginning at 6 pm, Tuesday, February 8. Nakae is senior associate dean for equity, inclusion, diversity and partnership at the California University of Science and Medicine. “Becoming an Ally” is the theme of the 2022

Simmons Cancer Institute accepting research internship applications

Applications for the 2022 summer lab internships at Simmons Cancer Institute (SCI) at Southern Illinois University (SIU) School of Medicine are being accepted through March 7. Four positions will be awarded on a competitive basis to qualified undergraduate college students who plan a career in medicine or research with a focus on cancer. Established in 2009, the paid internship program provides hands-on experience for college undergraduates. It is funded through Denim & Diamonds, the cancer institute’s annual gala to benefit cancer research, patient programs and needs of SCI’s patient

Dr. William Robinson appointed Committee Chair for Post Graduate Education of the Society for Vascular Surgery

Dr. William Robinson, Professor and Division Chief of Vascular Surgery at SIU Medicine, has been appointed as the Chair for the Committee for Post Graduate Education of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS). The Post Graduate Education Committee solicits proposed content from SVS members to provide relevant education to advance the practice, curricula, and scope of practice in vascular surgery. Dr. Robinson will lead the Committee in identifying and developing post-graduate educational content for the SVS Annual Meeting in June. The mission of the Society for Vascular Surgery “seeks to

SIU Medicine scientist paves way for better diagnosis of endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which cells that normally grow inside the uterus grow outside the uterus on the surface of abdominal organs, and can cause pain and infertility. The disease affects 1 in 10 women and causes fertility problems in nearly half of women with the disease. Andrea Braundmeier-Fleming, PhD, knows the disease well. The SIU Medicine research scientist has suffered from it for over 30 years and it became a motivating factor in her career in medical immunology research. She and her colleagues have published results from a new study that could lead to a more rapid diagnosis of
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