General Results

Patient Stories

This brief online module aims to remind medical students of what constitutes patient care, what patient life looks like, and how they pursue this profession. In this brief module, students will watch three short documentaries. All are from our students' documentary production projects known as "Patient Stories" at SIUSOM where they explored patient care deeply from a holistic perspective. The videos explore the ramifications of disease on all aspects of the patient's life--family, social, work. At the end of this module, we hope that the students who watched the stories will leave feeling a
General Results

View Book

The Student View Book provides a concise introduction to SIU School of Medicine and the attributes our learners should possess.

Medical Students Training with Local Physicians

Family physicians in several Illinois communities are hosting students from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine through July 30. The students are participating in the school’s Family Medicine Preceptorship Program. This experience provides an opportunity for students to use their medical knowledge in a clinic setting under the supervision of a seasoned physician. The students choose from more than 160 family practice physicians in Illinois for their preceptorship service. They will graduate from medical school in May 2023, then pursue advanced training in a specific area of
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