Year Two: HII

Hematology, Immunology & Infection (HII) Unit

Hematology, Immunology & Infection (HII) Unit

Unit Co-Chairs

Nurse Educator

General Goals

The general goal of this unit is for the student to:

  1.     Acquire an integrated basic knowledge base of the pathophysiological basis of hematology, immunology, and infectious disorders including aspects related to pharmacology, immunology, genetics, neoplasia, evidence -based medicine, and population science.
  2.     Illustrate how microbes interact with the immune system through discussion of multiple infectious diseases.
  3.     Reinforce learning skills through small group learning, self-directed study, and variety of learning resources.
  4.     Apply clinical knowledge and skills to execute basic patient medical history taking and physical examination skills.
  5.     Acquire communication and professionals kills through participation in mentoring program, clinical experiences, and elective clinical opportunities.

In addition, since hematology is central to all of the Year 2 Units, introductory objectives to the subject are included in the unit. The general approach will be to present the student with patient problems in a variety of formats (ePBLM's, standardized patients, clinical case presentations and basic science resource sessions) and to require students to develop and master the learning issues necessary to understand the infectious process (and incidentally to attempt to solve the patient problem).