General Results

Is It a Grant?

IS IT A GRANT? If you answer NO to ALL of the following questions, then your application does not qualify as a grant. Does the application require a budget? Will an award be issued payable to SIU School of Medicine or the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University? Is an Authorized Official or Institutional Signature required (Associate Dean for Research etc.)? Will the application be subject to a competitive review process (for example, submitting an abstract)? Are deliverables or reporting required from award recipients? Does the funder require unspent funds to be returned? If you
General Results

Is It a Grant?

IS IT A GRANT? If you answer NO to ALL of the following questions, then your application does not qualify as a grant. Does the application require a budget? Will an award be issued payable to SIU School of Medicine or the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University? Is an Authorized Official or Institutional Signature required (Associate Dean for Research etc.)? Will the application be subject to a competitive review process (for example, submitting an abstract)? Are deliverables or reporting required from award recipients? Does the funder require unspent funds to be returned? If you
General Results

2017 LeBlang Distinguished Lecture

SIU Internal Medicine & Medical Humanities Grand Rounds Theodore R LeBlang Distinguished Lecture March 14, 2017 8 am - 9 am Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation - Theater 2A "Public Health Law 2017: National Trends" Presenter: James G Hodge Jr., J.D., LL.M. Professor of Public Health Law & Ethics ASV Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law Read Professor Hodge's Faculty Profile HERE
General Results

Research Staff

Reuben A. Bueno, MD Professor and Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery Nicole Z. Sommer, MD Associate Professor, Residency Program Director, Director of Cosmetic Clinic Nada Berry, MD Assistant Professor Brian Mailey, MD Assistant Professor, Vice Chair of Research, Director of Brachial Plexus and Tetraplegia Clinic Michael Neumeister, MD Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery, Director of Hand Fellowship Program __ Carrie Harrison, BS Research Laboratory Coordinator Education : 1998 - BS, Clinical Laboratory Science, University of Illinois Springfield Email: Phone
General Results


The long-term goal of the Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine and Applied Sciences is to develop a functional hybrid graft to heal full-thickness skin defects and explore the potential of epithelial-derived stem cells (LGR5+ and LGR6+) for burns, neuropathic ulcers, and hair regeneration. We are also exploring the potential of merging TRAIL (TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand) therapy with conventional breast reconstruction procedures to eliminate breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy.

New Sound & Query Podcast: Healthcare and Law Enforcement Collaboration

In a new Sound & Query podcast, Officer Rikki Castles of the Springfield Police discusses the connection between healthcare and law enforcements and the need for collaboration. See our Podcast page
General Results

FDP Federal Subaward Forms

FDP (Federal Demonstration Partnership) Federal Subaward Forms (for colleges and universities)
General Results

Subcontract Amendment

Subcontract Amendment
General Results

Subcontract Template

Subcontract Template
General Results

Understanding the Culture of Rural Parenting and Brain Development

Background: Between conception and age three, a child’s brain undergoes an impressive amount of change. The brain doubles in size in its first year, and by three, it reaches 80% of its adult volume. Despite increasing knowledge of this critical time in development, no formal institution exists that routinely educates all children between 0-3. Therefore, the molding of a developing brain is dependent on the engagement and interactions of a parent or parents. Most parents, however, especially those in the lowest socioeconomic or educational quartiles are not exposed to how simple strategies can
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