General Results

Hematology Request Form

Requests should be submitted at least two days before submission date. At least 75ul of EDTA preserved blood is recommended for each sample. Samples should be collected and submitted the same day. A separate submission form for each species and strain is required. Please be sure to type or print clearly. Contact Cassie Vorachek by phone at 5-8599 or email at if you have any questions.
General Results

Computers and equipment

Desktop computers The Medical Library provides a number of computer workstations. Computer use is subject to our Computer Resource Regulations. All computer users must abide by the usage policies of Southern Illinois University and of the Medical Library. Equipment loan service (AKA Booking) The equipment is available on a first come, first serve basis to SIUSM faculty, staff, students and residents with an appropriate School of Medicine or hospital photo ID. Equipment available includes: LCD projectors Laptops Digital cameras, video cameras and tripods Poster tubes Please arrange in advance
General Results

Laboratory Animal Medicine Forms

Hematology Request Surgery Suite Request Cage Card Request Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer Request
General Results

Residency Contact Us

Vivian Smith Medical Education Program Coordinator (217) 545-7627
General Results

Online Courses

Click on an online course's title below to preview the material, enroll, register, and more. Title Credits The Case for Immunizations 2.50 Where Medicine Meets Public Health: WIC 0.50 Radon Module #6: Predictors & Spatial Variation of Radon Testing in Illinois 0.75 Radon Module #2: Lung Cancer: Public Enemy #1 1.00 Tobacco Use Disorder: Online Module 0.50
General Results

Laboratory Animal Medicine Services

DLAM would like to assist you and your lab in performing the best quality research. We have several core pieces of equipment available for research use. The following list describes each piece of equipment/service. For additional information, please contact Dr. Teresa Liberati or Andrea Willis in Research Core Services, Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine main office at (217)545-3053. HEMATOLOGY ANALYZER The Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine has the capability of performing on-site blood analysis. The VetScan HM2 by Abaxis is a fully automated instrument which performs complete blood
General Results

Psychiatry Resident Research

The Springfield Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects (SCRIHS) reviews all studies involving human subjects research. The research projects described below include studies approved by SCRIHS, or studies using de-identified data not requiring SCRIHS approval. References have been deleted for brevity. CORRELATES OF HEALTH LITERACY LEVELS AMONG PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC AND SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS: A PILOT STUDY Investigators Dorcas Adaramola, MD (Medicine/Psychiatry resident) Obiora Onwuameze, MD Objectives: The objectives of this study are as follows: (1) To assess levels of functional
General Results


Current House Staff Board of Directors Composite

March 1 Study Break: It's a circus!

The Medical Library hosted a circus themed study break for students on March 2. In addition to guzzling coffee, students enjoyed hotdogs, peanuts, cupcakes decorated like popcorn, and other circus-themed snacks. A meeage on a dry-erase board asked students and staff what job they would most enjoy if they worked in a circus: the most common answer was trapeze artist.
General Results

Participating Departments

Internal Medicine The resident on this rotation receives training in ambulatory primary care by attending the general medicine clinics as well as Prairie Cardiovascular Clinics. Full-time faculty members in the Internal Medicine Department supervise the resident. Pathology This rotation is a one month rotation in the department of Pathology at Memorial Medical Center. Gross specimens are processed and examined microscopically by the resident who dictates the microscopic narrative under the supervision of faculty in the Department of Pathology. This resident participates in the weekly Pathology
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