General Results

Interdisciplinary Network for Outreach

The Interdisciplinary Network For Outreach is the first SIU School of Medicine student organized group of its kind. Members involved are interested in serving global and local communities through health related outreach projects. This student-based organization emerged from a Student Interest Group centered around Population Health and Prevention concepts, but since September 2008, it has begun to develop into a network of relationships that reach throughout the Springfield community and abroad. Student leaders are elected by their peers annually. We hope to bring healthcare professionals and
General Results

Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG)

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine's Department of Family & Community Medicine directs the student Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) and coordinates activities with the student representatives for each class. Students interested in family medicine and/or primary care are welcome to join FMIG to learn more about the philosophy and experiences in family medicine. Membership is free. Each year the FMIG holds a dinner to celebrate those matching into Family Medicine Residency Programs for that year. FMIG also sponsors many outreach programs such as Tar Wars and outreach to
General Results

Obstetrics & Gynecology Awards

J.W. Roddick Jr. Award for Outstanding Resident of the Year The recipient of this award is a fourth-year resident selected by the resident and faculty physicians for their outstanding teaching abilities, excellence in patient care, leadership qualities, research qualifications, and human compassion. 2022 Recipient - Amal Hamdan, M.D. Previous Recipients CREOG Full Time Faculty Award For Excellence in Resident Education The recipient of this award is selected by the Resident Physicians for outstanding teaching. 2021 Recipient - Ramsey Unal, MD Previous Recipients APGO Excellence in Teaching
General Results
General Results


Dr. Andrew Varney, Internal Medicine Residency Program Director: Welcome to the Southern Illinois School of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine. We encourage you to browse through our site and find out why previous medical students have chosen us for the next phase of their medical career. Our dedicated faculty and staff, our small size and our legacy of excellence in medical education make us an excellent choice. Our program continues to pioneer educational innovation. Lessons learned from the Academic Chronic Care Collaborative (2001-2005) and the Educational Innovations project (2006
General Results

About Population Science and Policy

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine was founded in 1970 with four areas of excellence: medical education, patient care, research and community service. Caring for the communities of central and southern Illinois is SIU Medicine’s mission, and the School of Medicine aims to improve the health of residents across its 66 county service region. In 2016, SIU Medicine launched the Office of Population Science and Policy (PSP) to advance its social mission and find innovative solutions to improve health beyond the confines of the hospital and clinical walls. Led by a group of pioneering
General Results


Recent Publications Jenkins WD , Lipka AE, Fogleman AJ , Delfino KR, Malhi RS, Hendricks B. Variance in disease risk: rural populations and genetic diversity. Genome. 2016 Jul;59(7):519-25. doi: 10.1139/gen-2016-0077. Epub 2016 May 24. PMID: 27334395 Clemons J, Zahnd WE , Nutt M, Sadowski D, Dynda D, Alanee S. Impact of Urologist Density and County Rurality on the Practice of Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection and Cancer-Specific Death in Patients with Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol. 2016 Jul 13. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27409991 Jenkins WD , Botchway A
General Results
General Results

Room Designing and Building

As part of our commitment to facilitating remote communications, distance education and video conferencing, we provide expert room design and equipment installations. Whether you are designing a small collaboration space or a full scale auditorium, the experts at SIU TeleHealth and Video Services can provide you with all of the audio/visual technology needed for your space. Small Collaboration Space: Connect with your colleagues remotely without utilizing a large space designed for presentations. These small sized rooms often facilitate meetings between one or two people who need to
General Results

Refining a Revolution

TRAINING A ROBOTIC SURGERY GENERATION Aspects Volume 39 No.1 Written by Lauren Murphy • Photography by Jason Johnson It looks like something out of a science fiction film: a three-armed, six-foot tall, 1,400 pound robot with three-dimensional vision, forceps, needle drivers and cautery instruments that act as hands. Capable of performing delicate, extraordinarily precise procedures deep within the body using miniature instruments and 10 times magnification, the da Vinci ® Surgical System is the next generation of minimally invasive surgery. The robotic surgery platform is where imagination
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