Early career professional development program for faculty members within their first five years at our institution. Delivered annually in the form of four full day workshops, over four months.

Program Overview 

Workshop ThemeProfessional Development Topics
Your Role as a Teacher/Educator
  • History of Medical Education at SIU
  • Safe Learning Climate
  • The Struggling Learner
  • Feedback Workshop
Your Role as a Leader/Manager
  • Leadership Presence
  • Crucial Conversations 
  • Time and Task Management 
  • Working with Support Staff
Your Role as a Researcher/Scholar
  • What it Means to be a Scholar
  • Resource Session:  CCR, Grants Office, Medical Library, SOAR
  • Grant, Academic Writing
  • Promotion and Tenure Process
Cultivating Your Personal and Professional Excellence
  • Personal and Professional Goal Setting
  • Negotiation
  • Mentorship and Coaching
  • Career Reflections